WWJD? sends out a BIG THANK YOU
to the Placer County Association of Realtors, Masters Club Committee,
for their generous donation of provisions for the homeless.
Margo Ezell awarded the 2018 Sylvia Besana Community Volunteer Award
Congratulations to WWJD? Board Member, Margo Ezell, who has been awarded the 2018 Sylvia Besana Community Volunteer Award for her dedication and commitment to community service in Roseville.
WWJD? continues to be blessed by Margo’s long-standing presence on our Board of Directors and we are pleased that the City of Roseville has recognized her invaluable service to others!
4th Monday of every month
Board of Directors Meeting – Open to all
Valley Springs Presbyterian Church
2401 Olympus Drive, Roseville, CA 95678
Time: 6pm – 8pm